As far as I know you still must be annointed to be on the GB. BUT the legwork is carried out by a lot of non-annointed (Nethinim Class) along with the younger GB's.
anyone hear anything about their being "new light" on the fds class?
i've heard that it's 2-3 years down the pike, but that the "new light" will greatly alter their this some "dukie" in the rumor mill or is there something to it?
As far as I know you still must be annointed to be on the GB. BUT the legwork is carried out by a lot of non-annointed (Nethinim Class) along with the younger GB's.
anyone hear anything about their being "new light" on the fds class?
i've heard that it's 2-3 years down the pike, but that the "new light" will greatly alter their this some "dukie" in the rumor mill or is there something to it?
You get down to the essence of the real intent behind shoving this "doctrine" down the throat of every JW. They have to tell us why they can tell us what to do.
It's something how the WTBS has taken that rhetorical question and framed a whole doctrinal formula around it. Shows just how thirsty for power they are.
Practical vs. Biblical......I couldn't have expressed it any better.
anyone hear anything about their being "new light" on the fds class?
i've heard that it's 2-3 years down the pike, but that the "new light" will greatly alter their this some "dukie" in the rumor mill or is there something to it?
I heard that it wasn't going to be on the convention but rather something a little down the road. I guess they have to prep the stepford children for the bombshell.........if it's true that is..........
i'll be back in a few......... .
edited by - black man on 9 june 2002 18:33:33.
no suit or tie on the wedding day? cool.....
Yeah......I'm just droolin' over the milk...yeah.......right. It's mos-def doing her body good.
umm....uh.....i went to relieve my lactose intolerance.
L-Snot:'s a stumper........too deep my man....too deep........
i'll be back in a few......... .
edited by - black man on 9 june 2002 18:33:33.
Where did you get that pic from in your profile? I'm sure that its not u, but a brotha can dream........
anyone hear anything about their being "new light" on the fds class?
i've heard that it's 2-3 years down the pike, but that the "new light" will greatly alter their this some "dukie" in the rumor mill or is there something to it?
Nothing other than the FDS can also include non-annointed ones or whoever God chooses to use.
anyone hear anything about their being "new light" on the fds class?
i've heard that it's 2-3 years down the pike, but that the "new light" will greatly alter their this some "dukie" in the rumor mill or is there something to it?
Anyone hear anything about their being "New Light" on the FDS class? I've heard that it's 2-3 years down the pike, but that the "New Light" will greatly alter their role........Is this some "dukie" in the rumor mill or is there something to it?
i'll be back in a few......... .
edited by - black man on 9 june 2002 18:33:33.
How did you come up with your name?
i'll be back in a few......... .
edited by - black man on 9 june 2002 18:33:33.
I'll be back in a few.........
Edited by - Black Man on 9 June 2002 18:33:33
for those who missed the dateline program, i have posted the transcript on watchtower information service.
someone sent it me by mail.
i am not sure he typed it out by himself or it is the official transcript.. rado vleugel.
Great to see that (transcript) available on-line.
Hey JanH,
You said that the WTS had a partial victory. Is that in relation to them (Dateline) not airing everything that was uncovered? Just curious........And yeah, I'd like to see some journalist really take it to the next level and get on the blood issue, disfellowshipments and etc.